The purpose of this page is to document how I set up a web server for this wiki. The original host for this wiki was on Deluxehosting has been a reliable service. I am going to try moving the content to a standalone server. First will be a private server.
The server will be: Linux (Debian, Mx Linux), Apache and PHP. Today it is Mx LInux 21, Apache 2.4, PHP 7.4 and Dokuwiki
Things that have slowed the progress of getting the server “stable”.
1) Dokuwiki as delivered in Mx Linux is “not the latest”. After some fumbling, I re-discovered that using Dokuwiki from the Debian release is NOT the right thing to do. One should: Install Dokuwiki from the Dokuwiki site. Why? The Debian/MxLinux version of Dokuwiki is not up to date and the directory organization is not as describe by the dokuwiki documentation. Since the installation on Deluxehosting has a directory layout like the dokuwiki documentation, I am not using the dokuwiki package/installation provided by Debina/MxLinux.
2) The apache configuration went smoothly until I tried to configure the “https” version of the site. Apache/SSL documentation is complex. I have not found a “recipe” for a “simple” configuration. So I found this: /apache-setup-ssl-certificate/ This looks promising…