Mistakes Happen

This file is intended to be a place to save information about mistakes. Why? We learn from mistakes and hopefully, so will our sucessors.

June 15. 2019. Problem: You need “product keys” to reinstall apps on a new hard drive. If possible, remember to pull product keys from the old hard drive. Belarc Advisor will show product keys.

May 21, 2019. Disabled an Admin password on a computer to apply updates, move data and install software. Disabling the admin password means the admin account did not have a password. After installing Malwarebytes and Superantispyware and the machine not showing signs of any issues I observed (with task manager) the program osrdl.exe consuming network and disk bandwidth. I killed the process but subsequently could not find a file on the computer named osrdl.exe. Possible mistake? I did not ask the client to add a password to the account. Proper procedure should have been… Create another Admin account with a password. Remove admin privilege from the unprotected account. I called the client a couple days later and resolved my errors.

May 20, 2019. Problem: After installation of Windows 10 on a custom computer, the driver for an Asus wireless card was not found. The computer was not attached to the internet during windows 10 installation. Checking for a Driver on the Asus web site indicated that Asus did not have a driver for the card. If we had connected the computer to the internet with a wired connection the driver may have been found at Microsoft, as part of a Windows 10 update.