The predominant ISP in Sun City has changed its name over the years. Today the name is Optimum. Optimum provides a broad range of services with a cable connection to your house.
Historical stuff about Optimum internet services.
The DNS(Domain Name Servers) of Optimum/Suddenlink have exhibited “issues”. At least one of my friends that uses Suddenlink found this item helpful. How to adjust DNS settings in Window 10. What kind of “helpful”. They were experiencing semi-frequent indications of DNS failures, that would “magically” go away. Making adjustments as suggested in the previous link “fixed” the issue.
As to WPS (wireless protected services) on some of the Suddenlink provided modems. Recently, I helped a neighbor use the WPS feature of the Suddenlink provided router to connect a printer to the wifi network. A surprise to me was: The printer attached to the “guest” network of the router. This was evidenced by the IP address of the printer being 192.168.1.?? instead of 192.168.0.??. I had to manually configure the printer to get the printer attached to the same subnet (192.168.0.??) as the computer. Since Suddenlink does not provide access to configuration changes in the router they rent to you, I am surprised the default network of a connection achieved with WPS is not on the same “subnet” as the ethernet ports or the 2.4 ghz or 5 ghz SSID's.
This link may be old, but it might be helpful… Older, but possibly useful Suddenlink instructions. Notice page 7 of this document identifies a user name (cusadmin) and password (password) for accessing/changing parameters in the suddenlink provided router.
March, 2023. Some models of the Ubee brand of modem/router provided by Optimum have exhibited a problem routing data from a device using 2.4 ghz, to other devices on the home network. Some cases involved a printer. Possible solutions: Get Optimum to replace the modem/router. Connect the printer to the router with an ethernet cable. Buy your own cable modem and router.