Table of Contents

July 8, 2019. First page of an experiment.

This is a brainstorming experiment. My hope is that some readers are willing to put their toe in the water.

Here is another form of similar rules. SixSigma .


This page is about resources. Resources is a word with multiple meanings. Here are the definitions provided by

In the context of a volunteer in the Computer Club, there are at least two types of resources that are essential to the success of the Club. I think the most important resource of the Computer Club is the time volunteers donate to the community. Please note the use of the terms Club and community in the previous sentence. The mixing of concepts is intentional. Why? The Club would not exist without the community and the community benefits from the activities of the club. However, TIME donated by volunteers, is the most important resource of the Club or community. Time is also the most important asset of each community member.


Facilites are a resource the club utilizes. In this case, facilities is defined as the infrastructure the Club is allowed to use by the community. The club uses space and utilities in community buildings. There is competition for facilities within the community. Why am I making this point. Because the growth of the community is exacerbating competition for facilities. AND, I think, better use of technology (software) could benefit the club and community.


The Club, its members and the community, could benefit from better software. I am using the term benefit, to imply that the time donated by volunteers would be favorably impacted by the utilization of free software. I have some ideas about how, but since I believe this community has a lot of capable and willing members, I am hoping some of you will use the Discussion component (Bottom) of this page, to add to the storm, before I am declared to have “foot in mouth/wiki” disease. However, if responses to this page do not happen, then my opinion might be adjusted.

Subject for a Brainstorm: Are there things that can reduce the time required by volunteers and clients to accomplish the goals they share with the Help Center.