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Why have this wiki?
Good journalism usually includes the answers to Who?, What?, Where?, When?, Why?
Changeing the order to Why, Who, When, What, Where
Why: More than one reason. 1st… The web content of the Computer Club web site is not easy to search. My first attempt to search the content of the Security SIG produced almost nothing. 2nd… I have been around long enough to know people in our community have given their time and energy to share a lot of knowlege. Capturing knowledge in a place that provides better search capabilities is a goal of this wiki. 3rd… A wiki is designed to encourage community contributors. One intent of this wiki is to reduce the time requirement of individual volunteers, by providing a tool that allows many people to contribute. Getting more members of the community educated about “how to use a wiki” will be a challenge.
Who: In a perfect world, this wiki would allow anybody to create or edit content. Perfection is hard to achieve, so you will have to register, with this wiki, to be allowed to edit or create content.
When: Some knowledge gets obsolete. Each page of this wiki has history. A reader can choose to view the history of the page. Please note the “clock symbol” on the right side of this page. If you hover the cursor over the clock symbol you should see “Old Revisions”. If you click on the clock sysmbol, there will be evidence that this page has evolved. I know some of the knowlege that will be referenced from this wiki is unlikely to contain dates that identify the age of the information.
What: This wiki uses dokuwiki which requires understanding the concept of namespace and page name. The concept of namespace and page name is demonstrated by the name of this page. This page is in the namespace of freqentlyaskedquestions and the page name is whyhavethiswiki.
Where: This wiki is a where , from the perspective of information on the internet. The content of this wiki will reference other material. It is important for the reader to recognize when this wiki leads you to another “where” on the internet. As a reader you need to know that the content of this wiki is only as reliable as the creators and editors. If you find information you need to “trust”, remember to “trust but verify”.
I am not a member of computer Club. However, I have a new monitor for my desktop/tower computer. I would gladly pay a member to install the new monitor. If I must become a member, I can do that as well. Thanks, DRowe
Need help updating IPad. Do I need to schedule a time? Thanks DuaneG
Buying laptop to replace desktop. Two questions: 1) What is best (easiest) way of transferring data to new computer? 2) What do I do with old desktop? Assume I need to delete, destroy or somehow get rid of data and passwords on it.
Thank you, Jerry
Have computer that is having a bios problem and error on boot. It tells me I need to update bios but am not able to get it to work with any utility that I have found. Is ASUS MB with EZ in setup but it gives me not compatible bios id when I attempt to use it. AMI bios, and computer with Windows 10 OS on it. This may be my problem, as the bios was for Vista I believe. There is a new bios that I downloaded from ASUS website. Have it on thumb drive.